Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada


Redefining ancient textile handcraft structures, tools and production processes

Por Macarena Bustamante, Elena Sánchez y Javier Jiménez (Eds.). .
Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Granada. Colección: Arte y Arqueologia.ISBN: 978-84--338--67-4.


Presentation ...............................................................13

Introduction ...............................................................19

List of Participants...................................................... . 27

Abbreviations ..............................................................31


R. BASSO: To weave or not to weave: The oblong-shape loom weights in the Early Bronze Age of the Southeast Iberia...........................................37

A. DORADO, F. MOLINA: Las pesas de telar con escotadura central del Bronce Final. Distribucion e identificacion de un artefacto singular............... 47

B. MARIN-AGUILERA, J. JIMENEZ AVILA, J. ORTEGA: Spinning the Orientalising period: Textile evidence from El Palomar (Oliva de Merida, Spain).................. 57

H. UROZ: Textile production and aristocracy in the Ibero-Roman oppidum of Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete, Spain) ............................................................... ...................67

C. ALFARO, M. BUSTAMANTE, S. VICENTE, D.J. YUSA, R. SABIO: Tejidos suntuosos romanos con oro en la Peninsula Iberica. Reflexion a partir de hallazgos en Augusta Emerita (Merida, Badajoz) ............ 79

M.C. DEL ARCO, M. DEL ARCO, R. CEBRIAN, H.M. GARRIDO, D.A. RODRIGUEZ FIDEL, C. SIVERIO: Lobos 1: Una factoria de purpura romana en el Atlantico centro-oriental (Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias) ........ 95

R. CEBRIAN, M.C. DEL ARCO, M. DEL ARCO, D. BERNAL-CASASOLA, J.J. CANTILLO, J.M. VARGAS: Purpura romana en El Olivillo (Cadiz) y Lobos (Canarias): comparativa de los patrones de fracturacion y arqueologia experimental ............................................................... ... 109

D. BERNAL-CASASOLA, F. MEDARD, F. VILLADA, D. GODOY: Textiles tardorromanos en la norteafricana Septem: evidencias arqueologicas del Baluarte de la Bandera de Ceuta... 119


J. STANIČOVA: Prehistoric Spindle whorls from Central Europe: Preliminary results........ 131

K. GROMER, M. GLEBA: Tracing checked cloth in Prehistoric Europe in the 1st Millennium BC ....... 137

M. GLEBA, I. VANDEN BERGHE, M. DARAGAN: Textiles and dyes of the European Scythians: Recent investigations of finds from the 4th century BC burials in Southern Ukraine........ 147

L. MEUNIER, M. GUYON: Waterproofing material from a 2nd century AD barge from Lyon: Looking for the Roman know-how to Caulk with pitched textiles.............. . 161

P. LORENTE, F. MEDARD, C. BRENIQUET: A new approach to study the exceptional textile collection from Gallo-Roman site Les Martres-de-Veyre (Puy-de-Dome)..................... 171


M. BAIONI, C. MANGANI, M. GLEBA: Spinning and weaving in a pile dwelling of 4000 years ago: Data from the excavations at Lucone di Polpenazze del Garda (Brescia) ....................... 187

M. GLEBA, E. PIZZUTI, I. VANDEN BERGHE, M. BOUDIN, A. SERGES, A. MONTEDORO: Iron Age textiles from Sasso di Furbara, Italy: Preliminary results of new scientific investigation....... 201

U. TOCHTERLE, CH. HEITZ: Textile and organic residues on Pre-Roman bronze belts at Ascoli Satriano (Foggia, Italy) ........................ .................................................... 211

S. BUSON, F. GONZATO, B. GRASSI, S. JORIO, M. ROTTOLI, D. VOLTOLINI: La tomba 2/2011 di Grandate (Como-Italia): nuovi dati sull’utilizzo di prodotti tessili nei rituali funerari del mondo golasecchiano ............................................................... .................................................... 219

M. GAMBA, G. GAMBACURTA, A. RUTA SERAFINI: Donne al lavoro nella societa veneta dell’eta del Ferro . . 227

F. MEO, L. CICALA, B. FERRARA, S. PASSARO: Textile production in Lucanian contexts ...... 239

S. SCANSETTI: Textile tools from the Iron Age and Roman settlement of Gropello Cairoli (Pavia), Italy . . 257

A. QUERCIA: The weaving dead. The role of the loom weights in the funerary contexts of the Greek and indigenous societies in Southern Italy ............................ 265

G. LONGHITANO: Textile production in Archaic Sicily: Spinning and weaving at the indigenous sites of the Cittadella hill and Monte Maranfusa ........... .................. 277


M.S. BUSANA, D. FRANCISCI, F. SPAGIARI: Shears in the Roman world: Preliminary study of the evidence from Northern Italy .......................................................... 287

M.S. BUSANA, C. ROSSI: Textile tools in funerary contexts of Roman Venetia (Italy) ............. 295

C. ROSSI, M.S. BUSANA, A. CANCI, A. RADINI: Written on the bones: textile working in Roman Veneto from tools to human remains.................................................. 311

A. QUERCIA: Textile production in Roman Piedmont (Italy): The case of Castiglione Torinese.. 325

P. RICCI, V. FORTE: Cultura tessile a Pompei: instrumenta textilia ................. 333

V. CARDARELLI, F. COLETTI, F. FAILLI, M. GALLI, I. MONTALI, S. MORRETTA: Tra archeologia e archeometria. Analisi preliminare degli indicatori di attivita tessile e conciaria dagli scavi della Metropolitana C per la stazione Amba Aradam (Roma) ...................................................... 341

J.T. SAMUELS: The Act of forgetting: The disappearance of textile technologies and urbanism in 1st millennium BC Central Italy ....................................................... 351

D. COTTICA, A. CIPOLATO: Il processo di lavorazione della canapa nel mondo romano: Novita archeologiche e approcci transdisciplinari............................................. 363

F. RUTTLOH: Some considerations on Plautus as source for textiles and textile economy in the Roman Republic ........................... ........................................................... 375


K. SARRI: Weaving on the ground: positive and negative evidence for a reconstruction of the prehistoric horizontal ground loom ............................................................. 387

G.I. NIKOLOVIENI, CH. TELEVANTOU: Crafting the dress: From textile tools to iconography at the Neolithic site of Strofilas (Andros, Greece), a preliminary assessment ............................ 395

CH. MARGARITI, S. SPANTIDAKI: Revisiting the Hero of Lefkandi ................................... 401

A. ULANOWSKA: Textile uses in administrative practices in Bronze Age Greece: New evidence of textile impressions from the undersides of clay sealings. . . . . 413

K. ŻEBROWSKA: Textiles and Seals: The use of seals with the sheep motif in Bronze Age Greece ........... 425

I. BENDA-WEBER: Redefining structures and patterns of Archaic Greek costume types: An analytic approach .................................. ........................................................... 431

A. IANCU: Making ancient textile tools by using moulds: The Case of the Moulded Spools from Elis (Peloponnese, Greece) ....................................................................... 437

M.D. MIRON: El trabajo textil de las mujeres de las elites griegas: .Representación simbólica o práctica cotidiana? ................................................................................... 445

S. TSOURINAKI: Dyeing technology in the making: Hellenistic dyeing workshops in the Corinthian gulf .................................................................................................. . 453


C. SPINAZZI-LUCCHESI: Textile tools from Ancient Egypt: The case of Gurob ............. 463

F. LETELLIER-WILLEMIN: Cotton in the western oases of Egypt: New insights from El Deir ................... 471

J. ORTIZ-GARCIA: Una nota sobre la produccion y comercializacion de sudarios pintados en el Egipto tardoantiguo ................................................................................. 481

K. SOUTH, A. KWASPEN: The tunics of Fag el-Gamus (Egypt): A survey of types.................... 487


N. SUKENIK, A. ULANOWSKA, N. GOSHEN, R. PORAT, E. KLEIN, A. GANOR, M. ULLMAN, U. DAVIDOVICH: A new South Levantine chalcolithic tool and its possible relations to textile manufacture ................ 499

L.M. IANCU: Equipping professional soldiers in the Near East and in the Aegean in the Iron Age: a driving factor for textile production? .................................................. 513

R. LAURITO, F. MANUELLI: A Spools Enigma? The Iron Age case at Arslantepe (Malatya, South-Eastern Turkey) ........................................................................... 521


E.H. SANCHEZ LOPEZ: El papel del agua en las actividades textiles en época romana. Un breve estado de la cuestión ..................... ......................................................... 531

M.J. MARTINEZ GARCIA, M.L. VAZQUEZ: Las otras aplicaciones de las sales mordientes y las materias tintoreas: del ars tinctoria a la alquimia y la botica .......... . . . 537

C.G. RODRIGUEZ DIAZ, N.M. HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ: Aproximación experimental al ostrum y purpurissum getulos: elaboración de la materia colorante y verificación pictórica ............. 541

PLATES ............................................................... ................................................................ 547

Comentario publicado el 27/02/2021 11:53:57